Page name: Phoenix Courtyard 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-27 16:46:28
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
# of watchers: 4
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This is a calm area were many people come to enjoy the botanical garden,
and the in center is a large elgent foutain.
RP Below
Nadya walked out with Abarhi into the courtyard.

"This is beautiful Nadya" Abarhi said quietly behind her.

Ketsuri whached the two from afar.

"I agree....I love nature..."

He came up behind her, wrapping his hands around her waist "Ever been here before? I have, lond ago....let's just say that it's the reason why i think dating Royalty isn't worth the hassle" he laughed softly

Ketsuri smiled to himself Corus my friend your vision is to narrow" he could tell the two cared about each other, now he only had to find a way to exploit it....and avoid Maddy taking his head off for it.

"I have been here before... after...I didn't travel very far...." she said softly, placing her hands on his that were around her.

"You alright?" he asked softly, he loved the night, though perhaps it was because he was most at home in the shadows.

"I just don't like thinking of my past...and yes I am alright...I'm enjoying just leaning back against your chest in your arms...." she whispered.

He smiled "Well then if this brings up those memories wouldn't it be best if we where in another garden?"

Ketsuri smiled to himself, he had just knocked out a guard with a cross bow. He carefully began cocking back the bolt try to dodge this one....Abarhi he thought to himself. He was dissapointed there wasn't any poison to be found. He slowly, painstakeingly pulled back the bolt, whaching for the slightest movements.

"It's not the garden... I like it out here... the peace and quiet out's wonderful..." Nadya turned in his arms smiling up at him. He caught sight on her eyes and ears twicking slightly. "But maybe we should go...."

Abarhi cocked his head to one side "As you wish, m'lady"

Ketsuri carefully clicked the bolt into place.

Abarhi heard the faint click "What was that?"

Ketsuri smiled waiting for Abarhi.

Nadya looked past Abarhi. Someone followed us...over there...

He leaned his head to one side, a sickening squelch sound emitted from his should followed by a grunt "I would say you're correct on that one" in an instant he dissappeared, reappearing somewhere in the gardens.

Ketsuri teleported himself back to the ball room, he would have to wait another time to work out his plan now where's Corus? he thought to himself, he would need more people.

Abarhi reappeared behind Nadya "Whoever it is....for now they're gone" he said softly.

Nadya looked at the wound, then away. "I... they are...I'm sorry you got hit...."

"It's a surface wound" he said absentmindedly, taking hold of the dart with his teeth an yanking it free "The chain vest is good against most such things"

Nadya looked into his eyes. "Really? You sure....?"

"I've had worse" he said trying to dismiss the pain in his shoulder. He felt the blood flow, glad he decided to wear black.

Nadya's nose twiched. "You're bleeding..." she said softly. Just be glad that I've fed recently....

if not then i'd let you have some, i've come within a few minutes of completely bleeding out he looked at the wound "Damn...should've patched that gap when it happened, oh i said only a flesh wound" he smiled at her.

Nadya knelt down, and tore off some long strips of fabric from the skirt under her dress. She started to press some of the fabric on the wound to stop the bleeding, and then began to wrap the wound with more of the fabric. She then slid a finger over the blood on his shirt, licking it off her finger, making sure that only he saw. Mmmm.... Nadya smiled at him. "How do you feel now?"

"I'm fine, just remind me to fix that breech in the armor when we get back to Turan's mansion" he smiled

"Alright...Roan is still the only one of our group that doesn't know it's me..." Nadya said with a smile and a kiss to his lips. You do taste good...

Abarhi blushed all you have to do is ask "Well then it shall remain so unless you wish it otherwise....i doubt she'd be paying attention anyways"

Nadya blushed too. Thank you... "She'll notice if I make it very clear...." she giggled.

any time Nadya "She may or may not....short of flat out telling her it'd be funney to see her try to figure it out"

"I like that idea..." Nadya said with a smile. Do you want to go back in or stay out here?

"Whichever you prefer" he noticed an open balcony on the far side of the garden "I remember this exact place now...i'd been meditating in a form of fire dance when the princess snuck up on me"

"You know the princess here?"

"I doubt she is the current princess, unless they are elves....but yes i knew a princess here. She chanced upon me when i thought i was alone for a few days. Apparently she found the whole thing so enchanting that she never gave me a moments rest afterwards. This led to some...rather embaressing acusations that saw my being asked to leave the palace and my family being shamed by false acusations that i and the princess both denied" He roled his eyes "That is why i have avoided palace born royalty....they assume far to much"

"You're not going to avoid a noble though.....right?" Nadya asked softly.

"If by noble you mean you, then no; you happen to be an exception to that rule" he whispered sweetly before kissing her "Nothing against Nobility...just when the family gets gets ugly"

Nadya nodded. "My family can't get you're safe...." She kissed him back.

"I wish for your sake though that they where" he said softly "You'll have your answers soon though Nadya"

Nadya hugged him. "I'm just glad that I have met you...."

"Now there's somthing i don't hear every day" he laughed, wrapping his arms gently around her.

"Stay close and you will..." she whispered.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked softly.

"I just don't want to lose any more people...."

"War is brewing Nadya, there will be loss" he said simply

Nadya nodded. "I just don't want the lost to be too soon..." she whispered.

"I get the sense that somehow it is not the war you are afraid of Nadya, so what is it?" he asked softly.

"I really care about you...." she whispered.

Abarhi smiled, turning her to face him "And i you Nadya, i'm not going anywhere anytime soon"

Nadya blushed nodding, she then kissed him.

He held onto her Resting his head atop hers "You realize you've made yourself a target now? They will come after you to try an get to me, and to Roan"

"Abarhi... I'm a possible target when I look like a child...since Turan invited me into the group..."

"As a child you where simply somone Turan had picked up, and as a child one would find it hard to make you a target...but Ketsuri has seen us" he paused realizing how silly he must sound "I guess what i'm trying to say is don't go making friends as easily as you do" he kissed her forehead.

Nadya nodded, leaning against him. I'll stay a child around others.... just in case.... and I'll be extra cautious....

"Thank you" he looked around for any trouble makers, inparticular if the likes of Corus or Ketsuri came poking around.

"Do you want to head back inside so that we can hide in the crowds...?" she asked.

"If you want to, Turan is probably wondering where i've dissapeared to" he laughed softly

She nodded. "Then let us head back..."

Evan slowly walked with Lyensia by his side. "I always loved the courtyards built into these castles."

"They're beautiful..." Lyenisa said with a soft smile.

"Before My mother died she would play and take walks with me in our courtyard at out castle. She wouls plant flowers of so many shape and styles. Now all that remans is her water fountain she cared for."

"I'm sorry for your loss...Evan..."

Evan smiled kindly. "Thank you. So what about your family? What asre the like?"

"They're very protective of me, not like before....but now that it is possible that...." She looked down. "I know they love me...and want me safe....but I just feel so trapped...."

"Trapped how?" Evan asked as he plucked a flower.

"I use to go out riding all the time...leaving the castle....exploring the grounds.... Corus had to sneak me out the other day...." she said softly.

"He thinks of you as the daughter he lost." Evan said. "He truely is a kind man. People just view him in a negative light because the have not been effected by the godds in their everyday lives."

"He...lost a daughter?"

"Yes, and a wife. He doesn't twalk about in much, but he was sent on a mission fom the Godds and it cuased his family's death. His duaghter would be a bit older than me right now. Actually she wouls be Roan's age."

"Roan's age?" Lyenisa thought about the girl she had seen earlier.

"Yup. I feel bad for him. I've lost myfamily but I've at least had people their for me. Corus has had no one." Evan said. He took the flower he plucked and placed it in Lyensia's hair. "He loves you in his own way. Not that I can blame him you are beatiful."

Lyenisa blushed. "I...he has always watched after me like a father...."

"As I said your beautiful, and a beautiful girl needs to be looked after."

" you look at Roan the way you had...? I was invisible to you...." she whispered, still blushing.

"She is a job, no more. Corus gave me directions to infurate her so she loses her cool. Honestly she is pridefull, hotheaded, and clueless."

"I...why would he want you to treat someone like that?"

"Because it causes her to put her gurd down. He wishes to know about her and what she is like before he takes action. He odesn't wnt kill her if he doesn't have to, but to know that he has to know who she is and about her."

"Doesn't want to kill her if he doesn't have to? She doesn't seem dangerous at all...she was nice...."

"But she has the power to do a lot of harm, she just hasn't realized it yet."

"I... okay...." Lyenisa said softly, nodding. She then whispered, " handsome...."

Evan blushed a bit. "That's definally a complament coming from you." He stoped and looked at the moon. "And you a the fairest girl I have ever met.

"Really? Being the prince I was sure that you had met many more princess or noble ladies fairer than I....." Nadya said softly, blushing.

"Never. Lyensia I want to do something, but make sure you are okay with it first."

"Wha...what do you want to do....?" she whispered.

Evan turned to her and leaned intoher ear. "I want to kiss you."

Lyenisa blushed even deeper. "You...may..." she whispered, looking up into his eyes.

Evan leaned down and kissed her as he held her tight. "I"m glad I'm stating for a few more days." He said when he backed away, never letting go of her hand.

"I...I'm glad you are staying longer too....Corus maybe able to get father to allow me out....." she said, gently squeezing his hand.

"He doesn't have too. Your father pulled me a side yesterday, and asked my to spend the week with you." There was also more to the conversation, but she didn't need to know that. "I am also hoping you will be able to attend my corination."

"I'd love to attend your corination, Evan...." Lyenisa said softly blushing and smiling up at him.

"Great." Evan gleamed. "Well what shall we do?" Evan was always full of energy.

"Now or during the week?" she asked, feeling just slightly better because Evan wasn't treating her like she was going to die of the illness at any moment.

"How about during the week. That way we don't sit around in boredom." Evan said as he started to walk with his hand in hers."

"We could ride around the castle...I... could show you some of the trails that I use to ride all the time...."

"That sounds like fu to me. It's been rare for me to go riding lately."

"It's even rarer for me....We'd have to do it in secret..."

"Do you know of any way you could sneek out of the castle?"

"Corus may be able to help us..."

"I'd rather avoid using Corus's help for now. Wait, isn't there a secret door in your room that leads to the kitchen?"

"How...did you..?"

Evan winked at her. "I have my ways. But do you thik it would work?"

"I do...but please...There is a room...I have a friend staying there....I don't want anything to happen to him..."

"Then how about we ask this friend is t wuld be alli right if we used it. It's not like he is a THAT type of friend is he?"

"No... no...I feel safe around him...he...since I have met him...he has helpped me fall to sleep....and he'd be gone in the morning...but I didn't want him getting caught by the gave him that secret room...I know that he has never toughed me but for moving me to my bed from my couch...after I'd fallen to sleep....I...I trust him...." she said softly.

"Then I'm sure there shouldn't be any type of problem."

Lyenisa nodded. "Do you want to head...back? Or...go somewhere else...?"

"Lets head back for now. You need sleep, and I have ameeting with your father the with Corus in the morning."

"You have a meeting with my father?"

"Yes, but i wouldn't worry about it." Evan smiled at her. "So what shall we do after my meetings tomorrow?"

"Meet in Sage's chamber? And go riding....?"

"Sounds good to me. Why don't we get you back to your chambers." Evan held out his hands to pick her up and carry her back to her room. "May I?"

Evan picked her up, and headed towards her chambers. "I' glad you think highly of me."

Lyenisa blushed, and nodded.

Evan walked her to her chambers.

Lyenisa walks with him happily.

The king swung his large sword, in practice for the coming slaughter. He felt the need for blood boil in his veins, an uncharactisc of the king."

Ladya Lynesia stopped with her mother watching as her father used this courtyard to practice his swordsmanship. "Father..." she whispered to herself.

"What in the name of cheeses are you thinking!? besetting everyone to go kill off all the were-creatures. Are you mental?!?" Elisia didnt even bother saying anything, just storming into the courtyard with her daughter in tow. Face flushed.

The king was startled by the sudden burst of noise from his wife. "What are you going on about, dear?" He hadn;t heard a word. "And Lynesia, you should be resting."

"I've been resting all day..." Lynesia said softly.

"Yes, but your still unwell. I don't want you to get any worse. After all you are my little princess." The man smiled down at his daughter.

"Don't feign ignorance with me, I've known you too long.What is all this... this madness that's going on? You've sent Lynesia's betrothed off to go kill all the were-creatures in the land, when you know that our daughter is friends with one! Is the crown too tight for your head and cutting off blood?!" by now Elisia was fuming as her husband seemed to ignore her.

The king's eyes narrowed. "Elisa do not yell at me. I am the king here." Suddenly all emotion left the man. "They are dangerous creatures that need to be put down."

Elisia's eyes narrowed too. "So? I am the queen here and as such I am entitled to a say in what goes on in our... OUR kingdom. I dont know whats come over you but I dont like it. Im going to talk to the general and have this stupid hunt cancelled." Frowning at her husband, Elisia put her hands on her hips, studying her love as there was something wrong with him, something that really wasnt right.

Lynesia backed up, her head hurting from the yelling. "Please....don't fight...father not all were creatures are dangerous....I am friends with one I met at the ball...and I am friends with one that is half human and a wonderful bard...."

The king's vision turned red. "You'll do as i say or I'll have you locked in your room, Elisia." His head swiveled to his daughter. "And you'll stay far, far away from those creatures do you understand me. I will lock you away and take back my agreement to your marriage. If you love that by you'll do as i say.

Lynesia had tears in her eyes. Her father hadn't yelled at her before. "Yes father..." she whispered. "I'm heading to my room..." Lynesia bowed to her father, and hurried off to her chambers.

Elisia stood, practically shaking with rage at her husband and bit her lip, holding back the anger and tears. Turning on her heal she left the court yard and was trying to formulate some sort of plan.

Evan walked into the courtyard hoping to see Lynesia's mother.

Lyenisa stayed close to Evan, hoping her father wasn't yelling at her mother anymore.

"Lady Elisia?" Evan called out, hoping that the queen would answer his calls.

Walking past him Elisia, waved a hand "What do you want Evan. I'm in no mood." Sighing and rubbing her hair a little, Elisia's brain was still thinking of ways she could get her husband back from where ever it went.

"Lynesia and I would like to talk to you about something important." Evan said, taing a breath before he continued. He could feel his hands trembling. "She, no we'd , like it if she could stay at my castle for the time being if that was okay with you."

Looking out back at her husband in the courtyard and sighing, Elisia rubbed her forehead "Hmmm, Why do you want her at your castle? If she goes with you and things happen before marriage.." she paused and raised an eye brow at the young man. "Things will not go well, people will talk and not with pleasant feelings."

"Nothing will happen mother, I promise..." Lyenisa said looking up at her mother.

Evan blushed a scarlet red. "My lady, I sware Lyenisa's innocence will stay intact. I wont even be at the castle for the most part. However, your daughter will be quite safe."

Raiding an eye brow Elisia leaned forwards a little. "You have skirted round one of my questions. WHY do you want her there? that was the more important thing." Smirking slightly at the discomfort of them both.

"She doesn't want to stay here and I don;t want her in the middle of a war." Evan blurted out, his face heated. "She;s still to sick to travel much so she can't stay with me, and i don't want her put in danger even if she could."

Lyenisa looked between her love and her mother, hoping that they wouldn't fight.

"Please just let me take her away from here!" Evan asked desperately.


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2010-01-27 [Talos Cyrion]: grrr my pooter is telling me it doesn't want to post...i'll try in like 20min...that usually works....usually lol

2010-01-27 [Gypsy Mystik]: Alright

2010-02-03 [Gypsy Mystik]: Post is a while... have to tutor my cousin....

2010-02-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: I do ^_^

2010-10-18 [Eyden13]: huh?

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: that I know where courtyard 2 is..... though is he practicing here so as not to distrube the guards that would be training in courtyard 1?

2010-10-18 [Eyden13]: yup!

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol A king out for blood....eep ^_^ lol

2010-10-18 [Eyden13]: hehehe

2010-10-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: ... an uncharactisc of the king? whats that supposed to mean?

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: uncharactistic of the king

2010-10-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: oh... uncharacteristic. its spelt wrong.

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol

2010-10-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: yes, lol... the genius statement of the year! all behold the answer to everything "lol".

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: oh Vicious.... I going back and forth between here and working on Thank you Letters for those I met at a job fair...

2010-10-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: and?

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: it can lead to a full time position in broadcasting... so my mind has been there lol sorry

2010-10-18 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol I am loving the queen ^_^

2010-10-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: indeeds.

2010-10-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: Lynesia... I am.... your.... father.....ppft.

2010-10-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: Vicious, she is sick

and that's funny StarWars ^_^ heehee

2010-10-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah but sick doesnt mean breathing problems. Cos... it... would take... ages... for anyone... to actually.... get to the... point.. its almost as bad as the guy in the wheel chair off of Malcom in the middle.

2010-10-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: yea

2010-10-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: that and after elipses you need a capital.

2010-10-19 [Gypsy Mystik]: It's a writing style... And I do capitalize after elipses if I have a space after but I didn't in her speak.... I have to get to work before I'm late....

2010-10-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: *shrugs* just saying.

2010-10-20 [Gypsy Mystik]: I understand.... no worries and your comments are noted ^_^

2010-10-20 [Mrs Vicious.]: POSESSED!

2010-10-20 [Gypsy Mystik]: lol true

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: someone spelt Elisia's name wrong.

2010-11-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: That was Eyden... our great running of this RPG ^_^

2010-11-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: and Prince Evan was talking to you....

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: eh?

2010-11-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: there was a break in the page and Eyden had the prince of Griffin calling to your queen

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Yeah I know, its funny how he was talking to me when I was busy else where.

2010-11-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: he was calling out to you.... two parts of the same courtyard.... and Lyenisa is with him ^_^

2010-11-12 [Mrs Vicious.]: Well he can wait a moment can't he?

2010-11-12 [Gypsy Mystik]: Yep lol

2010-11-13 [Eyden13]: Hehehe, he can wait for as long as needed ^-^

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